Nine newspapers feature SMaRT technology

In a story published in the SMH and The Age, SMaRT Centre technology features in a newly built community library and sustainability outreach program.

Here is an excerpt:

Tattered school uniforms and shattered glass might not be considered the height of aesthetic refinement, but at a new suburban library they are a taste of things to come.

Textiles have been turned into tiles and glass waste into tabletops at The Yarn, a library and community space in Hunters Hill where the services and fitout embrace a circular economy – “designed to ensure regenerative processes and products” that will protect finite resources.

“The Yarn demonstrates that we can repurpose materials into beautiful, high-value products that meet the expected standard of goods and materials we use every day,” says Professor Veena Sahajwalla, founding director of the SMaRT Centre.

Read the full story.

And read more about the Hunters Hill Council collaboration on our Green Ceramics webpage.