New Plastics Filament MICROfactorie operating

The UNSW SMaRT Centre's Plastics Filament MICROfactorieTM Technology is now up and running under licence in Sydney.

Innovative electronics waste sustainability company Rewnew IT together with SMaRT has built a Plastics Filament MICROfactorieTM at its Lane Cove headquarters to reform e-waste ABS plastic into high quality filament for remanufacturing. 

With the majority of filament in Australia imported from overseas, the new facility has the opportunity to not only help keep problematic plastic wastes out of landfill but to create new supply chains and manufacturing capability domestically.

The facility will soon be processing PET-G waste plastics, too.

Renew IT Founder and CEO James Lancaster said: "Plastic found in printers, servers, laptops, old routers, switches, data Centres, offices all over Australia can be used to create these new products from waste.

"What does this mean? 3D filament is used for a number of uses from creating, teaching and manufacturing parts for industry. We can now keep this waste out of landfill and convert it into product."

SMaRT's Plastics Filament  MICROfactorieTM Technology, along with products made from its Green Ceramics  MICROfactorieTM Technology, continue on their comercialisation journey.