The UNSW SMaRT Centre and partner Mirvac have revealed an industry-first apartment partly made using waste materials which could revolutionise home construction and transform household waste into a valuable resource
On 9 March 2021, Veena will be delivering a keynote speech at a webinar organised by the new international scientific journal, Springer Nature Applied Sciences
Veena is the subject of ABC's Australian Story showcasing her microrecycling science and innovations such as Green Steel and MICROfactoriesTM to help tackle our waste and sustainability challenges
In this ABC Radio interview by James Valentine, Veena talks about a project where UNSW SMaRT Centre Microfactorie technology reforms old school uniforms into school desks, as well as other waste reforming innovations
In this episode of Create the Future, Veena talks about the limitations of conventional recycling and discusses the engineering required to disrupt the status quo
The UNSW SMaRT Centre' has collaborated with a renowned designer and the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (Powerhouse) to be part of a new exhibition
On 9 February 2021, Veena will be delivering a speech and participating in a discussion at the Beyond Zero Emissions February Discussion Group: 'Innovators to watch in 2021 driving Australia’s clean recovery'
Stanford University's Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere spoke to Veena about her work, some of the big challenges facing our world and potential solutions.
In this The Daily Mail Australia news story, Professor Veena Sahajwalla, talks about her groundbreaking invention known as Green Steel and its new global opportunity
In a unique collaboration, SMaRT Centre Green Ceramic tiles made from waste coffee cups have been used to help build new rubbish bins in the city of Canberra
Professor Veena Sahajwalla, Dirctor of the new Sustainable Communities and Waste Hub, funded under the National Environmental Science Program (NESP), was interviewed by ABC Radio about the new intiative and how it can help tackle our waste ch